2015, Books, Community, Geeky, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters who are fellow Bookworms

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download (6)Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)–This might be an odd choice for me, since I just read the book recently, but Elizabeth seems like the sort of lady who has ideas, and forget anyone who might stand in her way! Look, here’s proof that her character reads, even!


images (5)Tyrion Lannister (George RR Martin’s epic series)—So this guy is awesome, calculating and 100% himself. And I love that he reads books, gives books and takes no crap from anyone. Forget the passive bookworm—Tyrion OWNS that game of thrones now and forever.


anne-reading-book2-295x3821-231x300Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)—There she weaves by night and day, she has heard a whisper say…. Yeah, to say I really felt for her was an understatement. Anne got me into reading Shakespeare and loving almost anything that was an old book. It was lovely.

She also was a writer, and to me, it made me convinced that reading and writing were intrinsically linked together, which is super nice.

51974_1219343223747_500_272Belle (Beauty and the Beast)—There were so many times that I sang the song that this picture is part of when I lived in the middle of nowhere, in a very provincial life. And, with a lot of determination, I was able to find some adventure. Now, the great part is that Belle rereads books, which I sometimes do, and I love that she just owns how awesome reading is.

download (5)Tess McGill (Working Girl) Yeah, this might be an odd pick, but she says ‘Oh I read everything, you never know where the next big idea’s gonna come from.’ She reads, she betters herself. This is something that I have learned throughout life. Never be afraid to share ideas and rewards will come to you.


Lisa Simpson is my spirit animal. I love that she reads so far over her grade level. I love that she has a journal and that she is sometimes a bit socially awkward but nearly 100% always herself. She is unapologetic and just wants to be herself—those who don’t get her, don’t need to get her.

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Daria Morgendorfer—Daria got me through a lot of the late 90s and early 00s. She was super awesome and I really enjoyed her wit, her sarcasm and the fact that she is so honest,,,She gets vulnerable sometimes, too.


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Hermione Granger—I had so much in common with her when I ‘met’ her via a children’s lit class in college—fuzzy hair, awkwardness and BOOKS like you would not believe. And some of her maddening habits, like social inadequacy and always having to be right made me rethink a lot of things.

Love that she is strong and powerful!


Matilda…oh Matilda. She reads, she is not appreciated and she’s musical. Did I mention I used to sing made up songs in kindergarten when none of the kids would play we me, and that I sought out ‘reader’ kids? Matilda is the bookworm who continually makes us remember the wonder of reading.



Francie Nolan is the heroine of the book I re-read every year. Just to keep me humble. She goes into the library and makes a point of trying to read every book in the library—if that quest for knowledge doesn’t satisfy the bookworm category, I don’t know what does—we readers create lofty goals for ourselves, that are soon discarded. She is a total bookworm!



Who would have made your list? Please share in the comments below!

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