1st book of the year
Sheila over at Book Journey is hosting a lovely challenge for us readers.
First Book of the Year – 2014.

First Book of the Year 2014 What are YOU Reading?
I’ve decided I am reading S by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst.
As a fan of books with alternative means of storytelling (Attachments and Night Film are two that come to mind this year), I was really excited once I’d heard about this book. As a fan of all things geeky as it relates to JJ Abrams (I liked Star Trek: Into Darkness, but have still not seen the last episode of LOST–go figure!), I knew it had to be something I snagged–the sooner, the better.
Target had a 10% off weekend before Christmas, and as I was making my way through the aisles, I saw it. At 30% off. And, with that extra 10%, it was a deal hard to miss–for a hardcover (and because I could not find the eversion readily)–I snatched up what appeared to be the only copy.
It came in a slipcover, has a dewey decimal system-era tag and looks to be plucked from a library. I cannot wait to read it.
What about you? Have you taken Sheila’s challenge? Are you as excited to read something for 2014 as I am? What book will be YOUR first of 2014?
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