Sing Along Saturday
Sing Along Saturday
Sing Along Saturday is a weekly Saturday meme hosted by Bookish Things and More. Each week, bloggers will share their favorite music based on the theme. This week’s theme is: summer theme song.
I really can’t think of a song today… But almost every time I turn on the radio, I hear this song… And it’s actually a very happy song (I even downloaded it through my local library–how funny is that?!?
I love some Justin Timberlake in the Summertime. It makes me feel like dancing. Also, I have a feeling this was filmed locally to LA. I live in the great LA area, so it makes sense. I recognize the diner and even the Ralph’s and Randy’s Donuts. It’s a whole lot of fun and I really think that I need to have some more impromptu dance parties this summer, possibly featuring this song!
What song instantly transports you to summer? Share below… Bonus points if you go over to Bookish Things and More and post yours!
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