
Each Saturday, Bookish Things and More asks readers to Sing Along and feature a specific themed song. And, because it is a lot of fun, I am doing just that–so hear me sing along. Be sure to check out the site and submit yours today!Today’s Prompt: Song that relaxes you.

I went to school back east. And there was a lot of construction on a two lane highway (even in winter). When I went to my parent’s home for the weekend and drove back it was often really icy. So I blasted this in the car whenever I felt like I could get scared…
And it worked. I was able to get home. Check it out.

I understand the irony. I spout off often about Superman and his darn glasses (or lack thereof) but this song (perhaps the piano) just makes me feel calm.

What song relaxes you? Share in the comments or at Bookish Things and more.

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