Comics Haul August 2016
Comics Haul August 2016
Barnes and Noble is having a buy 2 get the 3rd free sale on Marvel titles. So, of course, I had to partake at my local store. Wanna see what I got?
Howard the Duck Vol 1: Duck Hunt: Howard manages to get into trouble AND meet up with Squirrel Girl–how cool is that? Also, Aunt May, a Weapon not similar to Wolverine and Kitty Pride make appearances. Overall, it’s a pretty awesome book and I cannot WAIT to finish it.
Scarlet Witch Vol 1: Witches Road: I like the Scarlet Witch and I just don’t feel like she gets enough airplay. Hopefully, this will change and I will love the comic and want to read more. Also, why is the Marvel Scarlet Witch great, but the Quicksilver dead and the Fox Quicksilver awesome? Why can’t they just combine the two already?!? The Marvel powers aren’t well defined like the Fox ones!
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1: Cho Time: I’ve been in love with Greg Pak’s Hulk for so long. Amadeus Cho is the Hulk for a new generation AND the Hulk for a smart generation.
Have you been looking for something in particular in the Marvel world? Are you taking advantage of the sale? Please share below!
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