2017, 2017 Reviews, Books, Paperback

Family Ties: Alex Gets the Business by Joe Claro


Family Ties: Alex Gets the Business by Joe Claro

Alex P. Keaton’s life just got interesting. Fresh upon acceptance in the exclusive (B Major) frat–Nu Alpha Mu, he starts to open up his network of potential business futures. And when he finds an opportunity to invest his $10,000 in a local beauty salon, he snatches it up. Suddenly, it is a family affair when Jennifer and Mallory get part time jobs at the salon. All seems to be going well, until Alex gets an unexpected business ethics lesson that quickly makes him question his thoughts about business and whether or not he wants to continue a future IN business.

I picked up this well-worn paperback at a used bookstore, and I am completely happy that I did. This was a great little book and a great trip down memory lane. Alex’s internal struggle is brought out and he may be more like his parents than he realizes. As it was published in 1986, it is now out of print.

Who would read this: Fans of the show, or fans of novelizations of 80s tv shows.

Time to Read: Maybe 30 minutes?
Rating: 4/5 stars

Funny Story: I had the biggest crush on Alex P Keaton when I was little. I think he was my first real crush. 

Final thoughts: This was a very filmic book, I feel like it was probably an episode, but I am not quite certain. I will say that there were no photos (despite the cover) on this paperback.



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