GothamGal On:: Comic-y Game Goodness via The Simpsons: Tapped Out
GothamGal is a devoted comic fan. Reading comics from an early age (TinTin, Archie, Katie Keene and much more), she has recently revisited her old interest and is branching out into the streets of unread comics and graphic novels! She fights for literature, education and the right for ALL to read comics!
I’ve recently become really into The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Or, rather, the NEW version of the game. Sure, it’s a click for reward game, and you CAN purchase extras, but the newest version of this is related to COMICS. Radioactive Man passes away after Fallout Boy does something by accident so regular citizens of Springfield have to raise up and fight crime! Will they be able to do it?
I am under GothamGal on the game (if you search via the ea/Origins ID… Want to be friends?
It’s Monday, March 2nd What are You Reading?
March 2, 2015 at 8:02 am[…] talked about her favorite iPad game (with a comic twist) and her trip to the Marvel Experience. I broke down a successful LetterMo, as well as discussed 30 […]