2015, ARC, Books, Community, Ebook, graphic novels, Hardcover, Paperback

It’s Monday, September 21, 2015—What are you Reading?


Please note, the website is actually at http://bookjourney.net/.

I am super happy about my Bloggiesta performance over the weekend, and I feel like I am getting back on track from all the craziness I’ve had with work and also the OCD things that I want to track on the blog.
I hope to Periscope again this week, when I have a bit more time. I sent the husband off for a lot of mail to be sent this week, but may still have another round to go… Let’s hope payday happens soon.




I am so happy that Sheila posted her list today, and here is mine:

Yep, Jem is back. My 80s heart is a little excited!





And, it’s PUNKY POWER! What?



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I cannot believe this is a graphic novel now, but I am happy it is!






This is a review for the blog, thanks to the people behind #FRC2015, Booksparks!



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I am almost done with this series, and I am sad to hear of Jackie Collins’ passing.





This just looks so intriguing. I love the idea, and want to get in touch with my geeky side by reading it!





My friend wrote this!  I am going to review the ebook of the second one, and the audiobook of the first one.

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This is the NovelTea book pick for September. It is out of my comfort zone, but I Am excited to read it.

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