2017, Book Date, Books, Community, Hardcover, It's Monday What are You Reading, Library

It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

Each Monday, The Book Date asks what we’re reading…  Please visit the site to link up your current list and hold yourself accountable. Also, you can visit some great blogs who are also doing this meme… It’s pretty awesome.


This week, I am putting my nose to the grindstone and hoping to read 6 books. Last week, I slacked and only read 4 books. I set myself for a goal of 20 books, and that is in jeopardy! With all seriousness, I think if I am able to complete at least 6, I will be back on track. This last week was super stressful and as a result, I did not get as much reading time as I wanted to. However, I have been working on some strategies to help get back on track and will share soon. 

I am hosting a reading challenge for books related to tv or movies (hence two of my three books for the week), it’s in a private book club, but it has been a great way to read some of my ever-mounting Mt. TBR.

It’s Monday, What are YOU Reading?

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