2015, Book Date, Books, Community, It's Monday What are You Reading

It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

gothamgirlIt’s Monday, October 19, 2015. Can you believe how fast this year is going? It is Monday, the bright spot of Monday is the  ‘It’s Monday, What are you Reading’. Hosted by Kathryn at BookDate,  Monday is a great day to take stock of what you’re currently reading.

I like it because it holds me accountable. And, because I succeeded at the 120 books read in 2014 (via Goodreads), I agreed to read 200 in 2015—I’ve done it before, and for many years read at least that many, but life has come in the way. But, beyond that, I want to publish more reviews this year. I have so many that I’ve written that have not been transcribed. This is a huge oversight and does nothing to help my cause. I need entries to make everyone interested! This is a predominantly a review blog and without those reviews, I have nothing to offer. So, provided I read an average of 15-20 books a month, I can do this! And, I would love to hear your thoughts. I’m up to 127 as of last night—just need a few extra a week to stay on track!


I am reading the following books this week, but the week is young!

While I signed up for Dewey’s Readathon, I had a really busy weekend, and only managed to get six books done off my mount TBR. Those reviews are forthcoming. I have been reading at night a lot, which is nice. Except when I get spooked. I am definitely feeling a little tired this morning, my eyes are pretty dry. Anyway, here are the books I want to read this week:

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Put a Ring on It is for #FRC2015, and I am super excited to finish it! I’ll have a review for you on Wednesday.
The Night Circus is for #NovelTeaBookClub and I am woefully behind. I am just under 10% done with it.
The Good Neighbor is a Kindle Owners Lending Library book, which is REALLY good. I got 15% done in 20 minutes.
The Passenger is by one of my favorite authors, and for pure ARC-based pleasure.

It’s Monday, what are YOU reading? Share in the comments below.

Be sure to add your link to what you are reading to the post at Book Date!

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  1. Kathryn

    October 19, 2015 at 7:59 pm

    200 books is a lot to read in a year. Hope you get it done but 127 is great anyway. It depends what else you do in life, we can’t read all day! I have yet to read a Beth Kendrick book but I want to soon.

    1. gothamgal

      October 19, 2015 at 8:01 pm

      Aww, thank you again for taking over the meme. And for stopping by! I really appreciate it, Kathryn!

  2. Elizabeth (Silver\'s Reviews)

    October 19, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    Best of luck with your 200.

    I am only on 48 out of 50. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your week of books.

    Have a wonderful new week of reading.

    Silver’s Reviews

    1. gothamgal

      October 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm

      Congrats! What a great place to be! Do you know what you are reading for the last 2 or is it just as you go?

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