Linking Up Thursday : Bookish Edition
Linking Up Thursday : Bookish Edition
Linking Up Thursday : Bookish Edition is a new feature and I am so happy you are here! I have some great lists for you today, and links of course. The drill is for you to reply with your favorite links, or just share your own in a post on your site and share your link below!
Long Books… We love them, we hate them… They sit for a while. But which ones are worth finishing? There are at least 9 of them worth finishing. And, don’t forget there are ebook versions now if you can’t carry a huge book with you, (wink, wink).
Tor has a great collection of writing that you can look at for FREE! This week’s short story is hauntingly good. I mean, you really need to take a moment, click on the link to open the link in a new tab and then read this tale about a Kappa. I cannot recommend it enough.
If you like coloring and classics, you’re going to love these new coloring books, based off of classics. I wonder, however, what you’re going to use for the blood in Dracula. Please be creative!
Some of the books on this list I have loved reading. Others, I have a feeling I will fall in love with once I do read them. Whatever the case, wherever you are this summer, they deserve a look. Check out the list today.
Yallfest just announced the attendees. Now I want to go to Yallfest 2016.
So those are the things that are living in my world this week. What about the links for you? Please share in the comments below, or create your own and share the weblink so I can visit it. Thank you for visiting!
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