Making Magic, with A Color Story App
I have posted previously about the awesomeness of a Beautiful Mess. Apart from their cool website and blog, the design cool products and applications–their new app, A Color Story, was able to take a photo I loved and amp it up just a little bit.
The original photo (left) was taken in not very nice light conditions, and while the magical unicorn horn exists, it just looks like a trick of the light, perhaps a fold in the duvet cover. But, it is not. The right photo is the edited version from A Color Story. I wanted to do something that would make the image pop–and since our ginger kitty is VERY BRIGHTLY ginger, I feel like the right is closer to what we see 95% of the time (not counting the 5% she runs around the house and we just see a small streak of tail). Â Please note, she IS posing in the photo, and I’m still trying to teach them that dressing up for me means more treats for them!
 I ended up super happy that A Beautiful Mess’ A Color Story was able to help me with my picture, and now I have an adorable, magical lock screen and wallpaper photo that puts an instant smile on my face.
Currently, A Color Story is free in the app store, and you can sign up for the newsletter and to follow their IG Account to get access to some of the free filters. I ended up paying the $7.99 to get all of the filters, because I’m an options kind of girl.
Do you have a go to photo editing app on your mobile device? Yes, a small part of me agrees that a phone should be a phone, but listening to music and podcasts without having to be tethered to a computer has been awfully exciting to me lately. And, if you want to see the kinds of photos I take, be sure to follow me on Instagram.
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