Review:: Hollywood Monster: A Walk Down Elm Street with the Man of your Dreams by Robert Englund and Alan Goldsher
Everyone can relate to having a nightmare, and chances are, there is probably a dark figure in a ratty sweater and even long, rusty claws somewhere in the ‘dreamland’ each night. This is Freddy, and he’s been lurking around dreams for decades, both on-screen AND off.
Behind the horrible burned visage of Freddy is a classically trained, soft spoken man named Robert Englund, and he tells his story with the help of Alan Goldsher in this memoir. From his early days of surfing to his teen years and the discovery of theatre.
Englund regales readers with tales from Nightmare sets as well as from V, the tv series about the alien invasion (originally airing in the 90s).
I always liked Freddy, but by reading this book, I gained a LOT of respect for Robert Englund. He’s been through a lot, and continues to be a consummate professional.
I got a copy of this book from the library, and it was totally worth the read! The photos were great, and I particularly enjoyed the stories from the makeup chair and on the set of V.
Hollywood Monster: A Walk Down Elm Street with the Man of your Dreams by Robert Englund and Alan Goldsher
304 pages; Pocket Books
Hardcover: October 2009 Retail: $26.00
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