Sunday after a long weekend
This is a picture from the amazing work of Daniela Cuevas. Visit Daniela by checking out Unsplash.
Sunday, after a long weekend, is the worst day. The shortest day. The most disappointing day.
I have to go to work tomorrow, after a long weekend that was true and utter, low-key bliss.
I wrote about 4 letters on Friday, and two more on Saturday.
There was a lot of Batman: Arkham Knight played. I’m nearly finished with the main storyline (and I have so much to talk about as it relates to that–but more on that later).
I got my SSS (It is a stationery subscription service, the first of its kind) on Friday and proceeded to freak at how perfect it is… If you want to get it of your own (There are a lot of options, but I recommend the $20 option) go to La Papierre and check it out. If you tell them I, Nicole R/GothamGal sent you, I might get a little surprise in my next one…
I’m setting up some work stuff. I made 4 pitches to various websites, and am hoping to pitch more of my certain set of skills this week… Gina Horkey is having a challenge for those of us in her 30 Days or Less to Freelancing Success course.
I have been giving myself permission to create, to play and to have fun. It’s been amazing nice to unwind. Looking forward to unwinding a little more this week.
How was your long holiday? Any plans for the coming week?
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