When Nashville isn’t on: A review Country by Danielle Steel
When Nashville isn’t on: A review Country by Danielle Steel
Widow Stephanie Adams recovers from mourning her cheating husband by taking a quick trip to Las Vegas–something completely unexpected in her life. Which leads to her meeting a kind man named Chase. Unbeknownst to her until later, he’s the country star Chase Taylor. And the lure of spending time with him makes her rethink her life. Suddenly, she’s on her way to Nashville, then to New York and later returns to her home in Northern California. She’s restless and trying to consider her place in the world–and wondering if that means with Chase or without Chase.
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Who would read this: Danielle steel fans
Time to Read: 3 1/2 hours
Rating: 2.5/5 stars
Funny Story: I kept thinking that something would happen, but nothing did.
Final thoughts: This felt like a very cliched story, which disappointed me. I did not like the style as much as i have the other (limited) books i’ve read by the author.
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