2015, 2015 Reviews, Paperback

Andrea Marr Lives: A Review of Blake Nelson’s Dream School

AlwaysReiding_DreamSchooAs a fan of Blake Nelson’s Girl, I was really excited (and a little mystified) when I heard there was a sequel. For fans of the original novel, the idea that a beloved character could be back is both exciting and scary–what if the novel doesn’t live up to the expectations of the first? Yes, it is classic ‘sequel’ syndrome. However, Dream School alleviates this by focusing on the things that make us love heroine Andrea Marr in the first place–her voice.

Andrea moves across the United States to Connecticut. She’s been accepted to the exclusive Wellington, and she relocates with a bag and an embarrassing duffle. Freshman year has ups and downs for Andrea. She’s trying to navigate her way from the norms she’s known in Portland and to wrap her head around Connecticut life. She ambles, unclear as to what her focus may be–she takes classes that sound interesting, but do not lead her in a clear direction…but her social life seems to guide the way.

Soon, she’s fraternizing and starring in a student’s underground film. She’s meeting guys and falling into a rhythm. And Andrea is always true and honest with herself, even if others understand or like it. And she is a heroine for modern day.

I immediately connected with Andrea, as we are around the same age. I discovered the first book, Girl, in college–first the movie and then reading the book. And while I don’t always agree with her methods (especially her treatment of one of her partners), her truth is undeniable. And, in this day and age, it is beautiful.

There is one other book in the series, but that is only available via Kindle ebook. This and the first book are available in paperback and eformat from your favorite retailer.


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1 Comment

  1. It’s Monday, what are you reading, hosted by the Book Date

    December 7, 2015 at 2:38 am

    […] week, I read the following: Revival Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Dream School Doctor Who: Big Bang Generation Harry Potter and the Chamber of […]

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