2015, 5 Fandom Friday, Community, Gaming

5 Fandom Friday : Games I love to Play





Each week, 5 Fandom Friday (a brainchild of the nerdy girlie and super space chick) asks a geeky question and prompts you to answer them as well. Check out my answers, and share your link below with me so I can check it out!

Now, I wholeheartedly admit that I am much better at playing games than I used to be, thanks in part to a board game intervention hosted by a mother of my mom’s friend about 25 years ago. We played until I lost gracefully. And now, it is an art. I love to play games!


Firefly: The Game has a lot of things going for it. But the best thing, perhaps, is the fact that after my husband and I played it, the first question we had was, ‘When can we play again?’ Granted, it took over 4 hours to play the first game, so it is very similar to doing your taxes, but it is so pretty and so much fun, you forget that stuff. Unless you kill Kaylee and two other people very early on in the game and you just have your Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) card to keep you warm and safe (which I did).


I saw this being played on Tabletop, and yeah, it needed to happen. 5 expansions later, and we are STILL having fun with it. We learn more and more each time we play, but it is still a great game BUT there are a LOT of pieces to keep in order, so I recommend getting all expansions, because you get extra pieces to carry things in. We don’t yet have the cards for the specific part of the game, and I am okay with that—it is a ton of fun to play this and figure out the different races and classes. A friend of ours got Swamp Dwarves and I still giggle whenever I try to think of them.

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Whenever we play this with family, it is an amazing game. Lots of fun, easy to play—and if you have enough ziplock bags you can easily put this in a suitcase for easy transport to a tropical destination.
I’ve won and I’ve lost and can say that it is fun either way. It’s also another Tabletop game.




tokaido game spread alpha

My final Tabletop purchase is just BEAUTIFUL. Tokaido is a lot of fun (my brother even picked up a copy) and the best part about this is realizing that even though it seems zen and peaceful, you can totally screw up someone’ s vacation very easily… Darnit! I stated my strategy.

And, as a blast from the past, I offer this gem:

What are your favorite games? Please share below!

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1 Comment

  1. Vampire Games

    December 7, 2016 at 12:03 am

    Awesome posts as always! Post more often. 🙂

    Vampire Games

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